$63 Fee Hidden in PPACA Regulations
It turns out that everyone that has a health insurance policy will have to pay an additional $63 a year. This $63 is to help fund the health insurance industries risk for in 2014. If you have an individual, small group, large group or self funded plan you have to pay. In 2014, the individual […]
Community Ratings For Small Group Health Insurance
In 2014, we are going to see a major transformation of the small group health insurance market. One of the biggest changes is the community ratings. No longer will a small group premium be based on medical conditions. This means most will groups will have similar pricing. Right now small groups in the area are medical […]
H.S.A’s Under Health Care Reform
H.S.A Health Savings Accounts look to be qualified health plans under the health care reform act. This is huge news! Initially when the health care laws were passed, Health Saving Account we not considered qualified. This meant that if you had an H.S.A plan you would be subject to the tax penalty. From this report, the Actuarial Value calculator […]
Low Income Workers and Health Benefits
NY Times This is a article about the fear of the Affordable Care Act in low income industries. Restaurant and Hospitality owners could be impacted negatively by the tax penalty of not offering a group health plan. In these industries it is difficult for employees to pay their portion of the premium on a group health plan. These industries have been […]
Health Care Reform Predictions
In 2014, the health insurance landscape is going to change a great deal in Indianapolis. There is going to be new taxes on group health insurance plans. For fully insured group plans, there will be a 2.68% tax on those plans. On self funded plans, there will be $6.35 per member per month tax. These […]
Indiana Delays the Essential Health Benefits
Indianapolis Delays Essential Health Benefits The Essential health benefits must include items and services within the following 10 categories: Ambulance, Emergency Services, Hospitalization, Maternity, New Born Car, Mental health and substance abuse, behavioral health, Prescriptions, Rehabilitative, Laboratory, Preventive, Disease management, Pediatric with oral and vision. This is a very big part to the Affordable […]
Health Care Reform Glitch
NY Times reported a interesting view on health care reform. They are reporting a glitch in the health care law. Under the Affordable Care Act, if an employee has access to group health benefits, then their dependents are not eligible for subsidies through the exchange. This is basically the short version of the argument. This aspect of the law have been interpreted by […]
Mike Pence’s Views on a State Based Exchange
Mike Pence recently sent his letter to Gov. Daniels regarding the development of a state based exchange. Governor Elect Mike Pence, has choose not to establish a state based exchange. He stresses the lack of clarity coming out of the federal government. Indianapolis developed the health Indianapolis plan that has been very successful, form a cost stand point […]
Health Insurance Exchange in Indiana
It has been reported that Governor elect Mike Pence is not going to establish an Indianapolis State Based Health Insurance exchange. If the state does not elect to set up our own exchange then a Federally-Facilitated Exchange will be set up without state partnership. HHS will establish and operate the Federal Exchange. Indianapolis will still […]
Preventive Services Under PPACA
Under the Health Care Reform there are new preventive care benefits that every Non Grandfathered policy will have to cover. Some of these benefits will be covered at no cost to the insured. It’s very important that you consult your current coverage to determine if these new benefits will be covered. There will be some plan that […]