2015 Marketplace Plans for Indiana

Plans went live for Indiana on healthcare.gov over the weekend. Until the November 15th this is only for review. We have 7 companies offering a total of 75 plans with designs. Of the 75 planned designs, 6 are PPO, 1 POS, 7 EPO and 61 HMO. These are networks arrangements. PPO = Preferred Provider Organization: […]

Community Ratings and How They Impact Indiana

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or” Obamacare” health insurance companies are required to offer coverage to all people and businesses. This is called guaranteed issue and has helped a lot of Hoosiers. With Guaranteed issue, the ACA requires health insurance companies to use community ratings for Individual and small businesses. This is where the […]

Anthem Small Group Renewals in Indiana

This is possibly the most interesting time in small group health history locally, not to mention the rest of the country. Anthem releases 4th quarter renewals Small group health insurance renewals have been released for the 4th quarter from Anthem. “WOW” is all I can say! The renewals that are being released are all “grandmothered.” This […]

Dual Rulings on the ACA: How does this affect Hoosier small businesses?

Last week, we had two different rulings come out of the courts. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that it was not legal to give tax credits/subsidies to residents of states that did not develop a state-based exchange. In Richmond, we had another court rule that is was legal for the IRS to […]

Drug Exceptions Under the Affordable Care Act

As the Affordable Care Act provides more and more clarification on the law, we are starting to see some serious mandates outside of what was known. If you are receiving health insurance coverage through an ACA-compliant plan, you may be eligible for additional drug coverage that is not currently covered by your plan. The law […]

Parkview Hospital Settles HIPAA Violation

Here is some news you  may not see in the local media outlets: Parkview Hospital group had a blatant HIPAA violation. HIPAA is the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. One aspect of this law is to protect the confidentiality of health care information. You may have noticed in the last few years that […]

New insurance concept: the self-insured medical reimbursement plan

ZaneBenefits is the leader in helping to self-administer employer reimbursement for employee medical expenses. In fact, they are the one of the few companies that will do this. This is one of the most controversial concepts out there. Zane believes that this is a legal approach to reimburse medical expenses for the employees from a […]

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Hobby Lobby

Supreme Court ruling on healthcare and morality The Supreme Court ruled that “closely held” companies can, on religious grounds, opt out of a federal healthcare law requirement that companies provide contraception coverage for employees. A closely held company is one with 50% of its stock owned by five or fewer owners — a definition that applies to […]

All about small group self-funded insurance plans for Indiana

Self-Funded Plans What is a self-funded plan? It’s where an employer provides health benefits to employees out of the company’s own pocket. We have seen the introduction of self-funded plans for small groups in Indianapolis. Small employers are looking for options to try to control rate increases caused by the Affordable Care Act. The self-funded […]

SHOP: Multiple Choice on The Exchange for Small Groups

One of the points of the Affordable Care Act was to increase choices for insurance, both for small groups and individuals. That’s been the case, to a certain extent, but it’s worked out better in some situations that others. Under the ACA, the exchange is suppose to offer small-group health insurance choices. These plans would […]