Senator Johnson Questions Secretary Sebelius

  Senator Johnson Questions Secretary Sebelius Regarding Obamacare Cost Here is a questing  from Senator Johnson to Secretary Sebelius on the cost of the health care reform. The Senator has some of his facts mixed up and the Secretary seems to be unprepared for the questioning. The Senator was using cost estimate and predictions that had different time […]

Group Health Insurance For Trucking Companies

  Indianapolis small trucking companies can face difficulties providing a group health insurance. There is variety of reason why this is. The biggest obstacle is participation. Many truck drivers will not pay large portions of their premium. This industry can sometimes have higher claims utilization than which lead to higher premiums. The higher premium then […]

Health Insurance under the Health Care Reform

The department of health and Human Services released guidance on two key components that will affect the level of protection a private insurance policy will provide under health care reform. 1st  Involves the services the insurance policy must cover 2nd  Involves how much the insured must pay for out of pocket services. The services that […]

Lipitor Goes Generic – What That Means for You

Lipitor, one of the most frequently prescribed medications for lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease, is now available in generic form. Access to atorvastatin – the generic name for the drug – is going to save residents thousands of dollars. Here’s how: According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of […]

Indiana Level Funded Group Health Plan

Indianapolis has seen the introduction of several new group health products designed for companies with between 10 and 250 employees. What makes these plans intriguing is that they are self-funded health insurance vehicles. In a traditional self-funded plan, the employer pays for its own medical claims directly. Meanwhile, a third-party administrator administers the health plan […]

How Does the Loss of Five Insurance Carriers In Indiana Affect You?

IBJ The state of Indianapolis recently lost five individual health carriers from the market. For those working in the health insurance industry, this comes as no surprise. Below are the five companies that exited and the reasons for their departures: American Community Mutual Insurance Co. American Community left Indianapolis due to insolvency. The company had […]

Bad News for Children on Medicaid and Health Care Reform.

Forbes reported on the Government Accountability Office study children on Medicaid have lower access to health care and quality. The study showed that Medicaid patients are 13% more likely to die than uninsured patients in a hospital. 66% of children covered by Medicaid were denied appointment with a specialist for an urgent medical condition.  The physicians do not […]

Self Funded Health Plans for Small Groups released a study showing a trend for small groups to shift towards a self funded health insurance. The report stated groups with as few as 50 employees could find savings in the self insured market. We could see in the very near future where small employers entertaining taking on their employees medical […]

Some Positive News on ACO’s

My News Reported a positive view of the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) The ACO is one of the main programs to reduce health care cost in the new health care law. This is really the 1st publication that states this type of approach to health care can be successful.  The Gov. is developing this […]

Indiana Insurance Commissioner Seek Waiver

The Indianapolis insurance Commissioner is asking for a waiver of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) 80 percent minimum medical loss ratio (MLR). The commissioner states that 10% of the health insurance companies have left Indianapolis. If the waiver is granted that would encourage companies to stay in the individual health market. The commission […]