The Changing Role of Insurance Brokers
The insurance landscape is changing. But the shifts won’t just affect consumers – brokers are also looking at an alteration in the way they currently do business. The new healthcare reform law requires states to create insurance exchanges so people not covered by an employer plan can shop for affordable coverage. Some industry analysts believe […]
Mobile Technology For Health & Welleness
In the near future we will see Mobile Technology for health insurance and wellness in the from of an APP. People will have the option of downloading APP to their phone which will give them constant communication on health insurance and wellness programs. There are programs that are all ready developed like Calorie Counter. The next […]
Employee Health Insurance Premium
If you are the controller or an owner of a small business there are major decision you will have to make on an employee health insurance. The one that I will focus on here is age based vs composite premium calculations. These will impact your employees. Age base premium is exactly what they sound like. The premium is […]
White House Launchs PR Blitz for Health Care Reform
The White house is getting ready to launch a new campaign to sell the public on health care reform that was passed. This is going to be a difficult sell. Being a health insurance broker dealing with all types of health plans and I have major concerns about the reform. As of right now, I don’t know […]
Indiana Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS)
Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) This act is a government sponsored long-term care plan that offers a basic level of guaranteed issue coverage to working Americans. It works like social security where you pay in advance for the benefit. Many of the details are still in development. As of right now the plan: […]
Buying Personal Health Insurance Online
As the explosion of health insurance sales online continues buyers need to be aware. Almost everyday I speak with a potential client that has received quotes online and thinks they are buying a certain type of plan. What they are actually buying is a plan that has limited benefits. This could be an honest mistake […]
Nefouse & Associates Launches New Website
As many of you may already have noticed, we launched a new website today with the goal of easily providing quotes to both individual and business customers. The website, designed by Dan Root, is built strictly in cascading style sheets (CSS) and has many search engine friendly features that are designed to increase search visibility. […]