Accountable Care Organizations
Accountable care organization “refers to a group of providers and suppliers of services (e.g., hospitals, physicians, and others involved in patient care) that will work together to coordinate care for the patients they serve with Original Medicare (that is, those who are not in a Medicare Advantage private plan). The goal of an ACO is to […]
Letter to HHS From Responsible Governors
Governor’s Letter to HHS Here is the Governor’s letter to Kathleen Sebelius Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This letter is stating that the states should have the right to setup the health exchange without the federal governments mandates. This is a huge statement! These governors realize that the federal mandates will make the plans […]
Group Health Insurance and Participation
If you are a small business owner or a controller of a small group then you have had to deal with participation on the group health plan. The particapation issue commes up with groups that have high premiums. The high prmiums could be the result of many different things. This post is about how you […]
Individual Health Carriers Tighten Up Underwriting
For 2011 we have seen a increase in underwriting standards for policies to be issued. There are different levels of approval. Preferred Best would be the best rating which means you have no ongoing health conditions. Standard 2 would be the highest risk where a Insured has multiple conditions that are being treated or high […]
Baby Boomers and Health Insurance
As the baby boomer generation get closer to 65 there are many challenges for them in both group and individual health insurance markets. If you are an employee that is 60 on a small group health plan you could be paying a large sum for health insurance. One of the calculations for group premiums is […]
Weight Tables for Health Insurance
In the individual health insurance there are many underwriting guidelines but none are more controllable than your weight. Weight can determine what premiums you pay. For example a male that is 5’9″ if he ways 128-188lbs then he could qualify for Preferred 1. This would be the best risk factor you can get which mean […]
Hospitalization and Surgical Health Plans
As health insurance prices continue to surge we are seeing a higher demand for Surgical and Hospitalization health plans. This type of approach for health insurance is being entertained in both individualand small group health markets. These plans show a change in how we view health insurance. People are willing to take out a plan […]
What is Driving Health Insurance Premiums
This is the question that’s at the heart of the matter. And it’s what we need to understand before we can try to control costs. It’s important to look at the real drivers behind high and rising health care costs and health care premiums. More expensive technology, used more often — No doubt, modern medicine […]
Indiana Grandfathered Health Plans
This is going to be very interesting to see how the grandfathered plans are treated from a carrier standpoint. It’s very possible that these plans could cost less than the new generation of plans that will be launched under the health care reform. The next few years these grandfathered plans either group or individual could […]
Rising Cost of Health Insurance
Every year Hoosiers experience increasing Health Insurance Premiums. As Insurance Providers absorb the cost of claims premiums tend to go up. Insurers increase premiums among the healthy to offset the cost of claims from the unhealthy. As healthy people change jobs or switch insurance carriers the remaining people in the group are left to pick up the […]