Women’s Preventive Care Services Under PPACA
Wellness Video Above is a video that address some of the new changes for women’s preventive services covered under the new health care law. In the past there has been coverage for these procedures but it was at a shared cost to the insured. Under PPAC these coverage are now covered at 100% with no […]
Medical Loss Ratio for 6 Health Insurance Companies.
http://companyprofiles.healthcare.gov/ Healthcare.org has released the medical loss ratio for all health insurance companies operating in Indianapolis. It is interesting to see just how close the carrier are to the 80% or 85% loss ratio. With all of the tools the carriers use to keep cost down it is surprising that the loss ratios are not […]
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Upheld
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, has been upheld by the Supreme Court. The law will stay intact as it is. In 2014 we will see the full effect of the law and the true impact on every US Citizen. The Individual and small group health insurance markets will have the big change. […]
Health Care Reform and the Impact on Indiana
This is a great video explaining the negative consequences of the Health Care Reform law. The Governor gives an excellent explanation on how negative the impact will be. He also explains our Healthy Indianapolis Plan and how successful it has been. This plan might not qualify under the new federally requirements for health insurance.
Health Care Law Not Living Up to Sales Pitch
In Indianapolis, the health care law will have a huge impact on Hoosiers health insurance along with the rest of the country. Thursday the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the health care reform law. Many residents are questioning the true impact of the health care. A famous quote was “We have to […]
Calorie Labeling under the Health Care Law
Calorie Labeling under the Health Care Law Here is one aspect of the health care law that has had really little attention. Calorie labeling! Under the health care reform law all restaurants with 20 locations must disclose calories on the menus and menu boards. Sodium, fat content and other nutritional information would have to […]
Wining A Individual Health Insurance Appeal
The individual health insurance industry can still decline coverage. These declines come from ongoing health conditions. The insurance companies are very conservative at this time. If you are declined coverage you have the option to appeal their decision. During appeal process, medical records will be order from all of your doctors. These medical records […]
Health Insurance Rebates
A rule created by the 2010 health care law will rebate about $1.3 Billion in health insurance premiums, according to estimates from Kaiser Family Foundation. The rule known as the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR), mandates that health insurance companies spend 80% of all premiums on health care. The rebates will arrive to Indiana resident […]
Obesity Under The Health Care Law
The rate of obesity in our country has grown drastically and it affects everyone. Now under the U.S. health care reform law of 2010 employers are able charge obese workers 30 percent to 50 percent more for health insurance if they decline to participate in a qualified wellness program. There are proven statics […]
State Insurance Exchange Update
This map gives an idea where each state stands on setting up a health insurance exchange. The majority of states have taken grants to establish a state based exchange. The states have positions themselves to set up the insurance market. Some states have taken grants to research a stat based exchange. They are looking at […]