Obesity Under The Health Care Law

    The rate of obesity in our country has grown drastically and it affects everyone. Now under the U.S. health care reform law of 2010 employers are able charge obese workers 30 percent to 50 percent more for health insurance if they decline to participate in a qualified wellness program. There are proven statics […]

Individual Health Insurance and Medical Records

Local residents are still faced with challenges when it comes to purchasing an Individual or family policy. One of the biggest challenges is with underwriting.  Currently you still can be declined coverage due to ongoing health condition or what is in your doctors a record. Most people have very little knowledge what your doctors attending physician […]

Individual Long Term Care Market

Over the last three years, Unum , Guardian, MetLife, Allianz and now Prudential have all exited the Individual Long Term Care market. There looks to be a real possibility that this market will cease to exist.  Insurance companies are unable to predict the long term cost of assisted living. They claim they are unable to […]

State Insurance Exchange Update

This map gives an idea where each state stands on setting up a health insurance exchange. The majority of states have taken grants to establish a state based exchange. The states have positions themselves to set up the insurance market.  Some states have taken grants to research a stat based exchange. They are looking at […]

Health Care Reform In the Supreme Court

Today starts the first day of the debate on health care reform. It will be very interesting to see how the supreme court rules in the next 3 days.   Fox News reported on what a fine line the administration’s argument is on. Not having health insurance cause to get a penalty or a tax? The administration’s attorney had […]

CBO Projects Obamacare to Cost $1.76 Trillion

$1.76 Trillion for Obamacare The CBO released the cost of the Health Care Reform for the next 10 years. The congressional Budget office originally projected the cost of the reform at $940 Billion for 10 years. Now the CBO is projecting $1.76 Trillion for the next 10 years. Then in 2022 with another $265 billion for coverage expansions […]

Senator Johnson Questions Secretary Sebelius

  Senator Johnson Questions Secretary Sebelius Regarding Obamacare Cost Here is a questing  from Senator Johnson to Secretary Sebelius on the cost of the health care reform. The Senator has some of his facts mixed up and the Secretary seems to be unprepared for the questioning. The Senator was using cost estimate and predictions that had different time […]

State Based Exchange Final Rule

The department of Health and Human Services has release a 644 page document on the rules for a state based exchange.  This document is going to have a huge impact on health insurance and health care.  At this point no one really has an idea of how a state based exchange is going to look […]

Group Health Insurance For Trucking Companies

  Indianapolis small trucking companies can face difficulties providing a group health insurance. There is variety of reason why this is. The biggest obstacle is participation. Many truck drivers will not pay large portions of their premium. This industry can sometimes have higher claims utilization than which lead to higher premiums. The higher premium then […]

Indiana Hospital Delays Construction plans

IBJ reported that Franciscan St. Francis Health plan to build an Emergency room and physician office building is on hold in Greenwood. “This is a result of concerns about the changing environment related to  National healthcare reform” The CEO of the hospital was reported saying. The hospital official stated that they have a real concern over […]