American Health Care Act and potential Impacts to Indiana

The new health care reform bill, (American Health Care Act (AHCA)) was just introduced. Eventually we should see analysis of the bill and potential impacts on the health care & health insurance markets. Here are our views on the how the bill may impact Hoosiers. Indiana Health Insurance Company Tips for Hoosiers The repeal of […]

Group Health Transitional Relief through 2018

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the extension of grand mothered plans through 2018. If you purchase a group health plan prior to the affordable care act, you know have another year you can extent that coverage. Indiana Health Insurance Company Updates For Indiana, there are a lot of small companies that have […]

Leaked Replacement Plan for Obamacare

A draft of a bill that could replace the Obamacare was “leaked” on February 16th. The plan would use the tax code to create subsidies/tax credits for people to purchase health insurance plans in their state. The tax credits are not going to be based on household income, but on age.  The draft gives insight […]

Obamacare Replace Outline

Updates From Your Indiana Health Insurance Company On February 16th House Republicans release a 16-page power point on replacing the Obamacare. The first couple pages are examples of how the ACA has failed to deliver it’s intended goals. The examples give a snap shot of a loss of network access, increasing premiums and increasing out of […]

Regulations to Stabilize the Individual Market

On February 15, 2017, the department of Health & Humana Services issued rules to try to stabilize the individual health insurance markets. This is the first step by the Secretary of HHS on reducing the economic burden of the ACA, as proposed by the Jan. 20th executive order. These new policy rules are intended to […]

Humana Leave the Exchange Market

Indiana Health Insurance Company Updates Humana has announced that they will exit the individual health insurance markets in 2018.  They had exited Indiana 2 years ago, so this announcement comes as no surprise. Humana at one time had a strong national presence in the individual and group health insurance markets. Over the last 10 years, […]

President Trumps Executive Order on ACA

January 20th 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to waive, defer, grant exemption, or delay the requirements of the ACA, that would impose a burden on individuals or families, medical providers, or purchasers of health care. The executive order gives the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services the power to enforce […]

Last Open Enrollment Under Obamacare

Indiana Health Insurance Obamacare update As we wrap up the end of 2017’s open enrollment, the ACA will change, as we know it. The new administration is in the process of developing the next health care reform. Regardless of the new administration, the ACA was/is imploding on its own. Most of the national carriers have […]

Specialty Drug Costs Impacts on Group Health

Indiana Health Insurance updates on Speciality Drugs Specialty pharmaceuticals are drugs created to treat patients with complex diseases. In the last 12 months, there has been alarming trends on prescription drug costs. It is now estimated, that specialty RX is closing in on 30% of the medical spend. A group could have just 4% of […]

2017 Healthcare Reform Debate

As we get ready for the repeal or potential defunding of the Affordable Care Act, the debate on healthcare reform will top news. From Washington DC to kitchen tables across America, everyone will be more involved this go around. Both the critics and supporters of “Obamacare” really have very little knowledge of the realities of […]