MLR’s Negative Effect

  The Medical Loss Ratio of the Health care Reform law is having a negative effect on carriers entering or staying in new markets. What has happen is a carrier will go into a new market and that block of business is profitable.  So let’s say they are operating at a 70% loss ratio. Under the […]

Health Insurance Mystery Shopper

The Hill Health and Human Services have canceled their “Mystery Shopper” program. This program was to give HHS information on getting Doctor Appointments. They wanted information on how long someone would have to wait to be seen. They would call a medical practice and state they had Medicare, Medicaid, & Private Insurance to see if waiting […]

Self Funded Health Plans for Small Groups released a study showing a trend for small groups to shift towards a self funded health insurance. The report stated groups with as few as 50 employees could find savings in the self insured market. We could see in the very near future where small employers entertaining taking on their employees medical […]

Some Positive News on ACO’s

My News Reported a positive view of the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) The ACO is one of the main programs to reduce health care cost in the new health care law. This is really the 1st publication that states this type of approach to health care can be successful.  The Gov. is developing this […]

Middle Class Hoosiers will be Eligible for Medicaid

Huffington Post National Journal It looks like under the new health law if you have house hold income of $64,000 you will qualify for Medicaid benefits.  For Indiana and other states this would allow a lot of people the option of Medicaid. This could devastate health insurance markets over night and add a huge burden on the […]

Indiana Insurance Commissioner Seek Waiver

The Indianapolis insurance Commissioner is asking for a waiver of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) 80 percent minimum medical loss ratio (MLR). The commissioner states that 10% of the health insurance companies have left Indianapolis. If the waiver is granted that would encourage companies to stay in the individual health market. The commission […]

Pressure on McKinsey Study

The Hill Chairman Max Baucus is not happy about the Mickinsey study that state 30% of employers will drop their group health plans after 2014. Chairman Baucus has order a full disclosure on the methodology of the study. It will be interesting to see what methodology was used. Being a health insurance broker with extensive […]

Individual Health Plan Through Group

IHIE I posted a snap shot of an option for the future of group health insurance could be through Health Insurance Exchange. As, I learn more about this option of individual plans it could turn out be a strategy for companies in the future.

Indiana Vaccinations for Insured Children publish a story on children with insurance will not be able to get vaccinations for the Indianapolis department of health. From a coverage standpoint, all health insurance plans have to cover vaccinations at no cost to the insured.  So should your child need $600 worth of immunizations it will cost you nothing.  This was one […]

IRS Announces 2012 Key Amounts for Health Savings Accounts

The Internal Revenue Service has announced changes to the 2012 key amounts for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs). HSA contribution limits and HDHP out-of-pocket maximums will increase, while the HDHP minimum required deductibles will remain the same as 2011. 2012 Key Amounts HSA Contribution Limit – Individual $3,100 HSA Contribution […]