If you have a United Health One policy you may have experienced a rate increase this year. This has become a major problem, not just from a cost standpoint, but also from a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) standpoint.
United Health One made a decision to move the renewal date of their Indianapolis members to December 31. At that time, this decision made sense with the information they had available. These members were able to keep their health plans and delay the impacts of the Affordable Care Act. The impact they were avoiding was a premium rate increase.
Now, United Health One is issuing rate increases to their individual plans in Indianapolis outside of the renewal period. These rate increases went through the Indianapolis Department of Insurance for approval. The IDOI approved these rate increases without fully understanding the QLE under the Affordable Care Act. In all fairness, the QLEs were not clarified until late March by the Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
What is the Problem?
The rate increase of an individual plan is not considered a QLE. This means that you are unable to shop for new coverage. You have to wait for the policy renewal period. In United Health One’s case, that is in December for Indianapolis. Think you might have a QLE? Check out my blog to find out if you’re eligible for special enrollment.
I Have a Solution for You
If you received a rate increase and there is a better option out there for you, you have to wait until the renewal period. In my research, I have found one strategy that is available that may work for you. Contact me, Tony Nefouse, and we can discuss possible solutions and help you save money.