Anthem Discontinues Short Term Policy

Short Term Product Sales Discontinued in Indianapolis Effective April 1 “At Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, we strive to provide the best coverage to our members, offering both stability and affordability through our individual health coverage plans.   We have made the strategic decision to discontinue the sale of short-term individual health insurance policies in […]

Medical Loss Ratio Explanation From Anthem

The new Medical Loss Ratio will have a huge impact on health insurance companies. There is major concern in the industry that we could see some carriers pull of certain markets. The market that creates the most concern is the Individual market. This segment of insured represent a small portion of the overall block of […]

Milliman Medical Index 2010

The  Milliman Medical Index has been released for 2010. This is a very good study of healthcare costs and the effects that they have.  2010 marks the 6th year that the study has been performed. The top 100 leading insurers read this report to estimate future health insurance claims costs.  You would think that our […]

Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act

Recently Wellpoint took some really bad press on the treatment of Breast Cancer. Some of that bad press was wrong. Anthem was accused of purposely rescinding policies of women diagnosed with breast cancer. This accusation was really way out of bounds. Wellpoint has paid for the treatment 10 of  thousands of women who have suffered from […]

Why Health Insurance Premiums Keep Increasing

Anthem plans across the country are working to develop innovative products and programs that help address rising health care costs. Through pay for performance initiatives, consumer directed health plans and transparency initiatives; Anthem is providing access to the information needed to drive down health care costs. While many people may believe that insurer profits are […]