Dual Rulings on the ACA: How does this affect Hoosier small businesses?
Last week, we had two different rulings come out of the courts. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that it was not legal to give tax credits/subsidies to residents of states that did not develop a state-based exchange. In Richmond, we had another court rule that is was legal for the IRS to […]
Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Policy Holders
For the 7,200 policy holders who currently have a health insurance policy through Indianapolis Comprehensive Health, I have some good news. Most of you have never had good news when it comes to health insurance. Under the new health insurance laws, your luck might change! The first and most important point is that you can […]
The IDOI Explains the 72% Health Insurance Increase
By now, you might have heard that the Indianapolis Department Of Insurance projected a 72% increase in individual health insurance market for Indianapolis. The IDOI has also released the Individual Insurance Market Report, which goes on to explain this projected increase. This is a legitimate explanation for the increase, and the only thing that is not included […]
Status of Obamacare for Hoosiers
Usually, I don’t like to use the term “Obamacare” but it seems that most Hoosiers know of the Affordable Care Act by that terminology. Right now, Health Care Reform looks like it is starting to unravel. The announcement of the delay in the employer mandate raised concerns. On one side, it looks like the administration […]
Adjusted Community Rating For Health Insurance
One of the key aspects of the new health care law is the Adjusted Community Rating. Currently, the health insurance industry uses gender, medical history, group size, and health status. These underwriting practices will be prohibited in 2014. With the new law, health insurers in the individual and small group markets will only be able […]
Anthem Releases New Smart Phone App
You’ve probably heard the saying “there’s an app for that,” and now there’s an Anthem app for your health care. Anthem just released their new smart phone app for all subscribers. This cutting edge technology is a great tool for you and your family to have at your fingertips. The app has multiple useful functions. First of […]