Health Care Repeal Debate

There is going to be big news on these debate. The repeal passed the house and now it’s on to the Senate. Most experts give it little hope in the Senate. What is interesting about this debate is both side are really only focused on a small % of the total law.  The law has specific […]

The Repeal of Health Care Reform

The house is going to vote on repealing the health care reform.  Most news outlet are stating this is a symbolic gesture.  I think its a lot more than that. The healthcare reform bill is a huge gamble with 1/6th of the economy. The health care reform bill has done nothing to address the cost […]

Open Enrollment for Kids Only Policies

Under the health care reform all children under 19 can not be declined or pre x on a health plan. Everyone in the industry had major concerns over this issue.  One of the big concerns was parents would wait until the child had a health care crisis and then enroll them on the plan.  It […]

Milliman Medical Index 2010

The  Milliman Medical Index has been released for 2010. This is a very good study of healthcare costs and the effects that they have.  2010 marks the 6th year that the study has been performed. The top 100 leading insurers read this report to estimate future health insurance claims costs.  You would think that our […]

Industry Groups Comment to HHS on Medical Loss Ratios

The Medical Loss Ratio is very critical to the health insurance industry. This MLR is going to have a huge effect on carriers profits and how they operate. In fact we could see some carriers drop out of certain markets reducing the already limited choices of carriers. The HHS has to clarify the laws on  the […]

New Cost of Healthcare Reform

New Cost Estimate Tops $1 Trillion: U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius issued a letter to congressional leaders this week, touting the administration’s early success in implementing certain provisions of health care reform. Meanwhile, officials from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported on Tuesday that the health care reform legislation will cost about […]