Who Pays the ACA Related Costs for Group Plans?
A topic that will likely be addressed at your next next health insurance renewal meeting is likely going to be: Who will pay the Affordable Care Act related fees? Will it be the employees, employers… or both? Let’s find out more about what each of these ACA fees are and how much they will cost […]
Fully Insured Rate Increases Under ACA
We are starting to see projections of the rate increase fully insured group health plan can expect. 30%-50% increases in fully insured premiums under the health care reform laws. These are huge increase that very few small group or large group plan will be able to afford. These increase are due to different aspect of […]
The Complexity of Health Care Reform
AMEDNEWS Here is a great article about how complex and difficult health care reform is. Under the ACA, all medical practices have to go to Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The thought behind this is that it would help end any unnecessary test and improve the out come of patients care. CMS thinks, that EMR may be leading […]
Indiana Affordable Care Act Pricing
Indianapolis Affordable Care Act Pricing – Current Estimates ACA Insurer Fee: • Effective 1/1/2014 • 2.68% tax off fully insured premium • Applies to Small and Large Group – fully insured only Affortable Care Act Reinsurance Fee: • Effective 1/1/2014 • $6.35 Per Member Per Month before state tax […]
Penalty for Not Having Health Insurance
Under the Affordable Car Act there will be penalties for not having health insurance. In 2014, the penalty for not caring health insurance will be $95, or 1% of taxable household income. By 2016, the penalty will rise to $695 per person, with a cap of $2,085 per family or 2.5% of house hold income. […]
Mike Pence’s Views on a State Based Exchange
Mike Pence recently sent his letter to Gov. Daniels regarding the development of a state based exchange. Governor Elect Mike Pence, has choose not to establish a state based exchange. He stresses the lack of clarity coming out of the federal government. Indianapolis developed the health Indianapolis plan that has been very successful, form a cost stand point […]
Indiana’s New Governor’s Impact on Health Insurance
The next Governor of Indianapolis is going to have a huge impact on health insurance in the state. The first decision the Governor will have to make is on the Essential Benefits. It is the responsibility of each state to form the Essential Benefits. The essential benefits are a set of health care service categories […]
Health Care Reform and the Impact on Indiana
This is a great video explaining the negative consequences of the Health Care Reform law. The Governor gives an excellent explanation on how negative the impact will be. He also explains our Healthy Indianapolis Plan and how successful it has been. This plan might not qualify under the new federally requirements for health insurance.
Health Care Law Not Living Up to Sales Pitch
In Indianapolis, the health care law will have a huge impact on Hoosiers health insurance along with the rest of the country. Thursday the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the health care reform law. Many residents are questioning the true impact of the health care. A famous quote was “We have to […]
Obesity Under The Health Care Law
The rate of obesity in our country has grown drastically and it affects everyone. Now under the U.S. health care reform law of 2010 employers are able charge obese workers 30 percent to 50 percent more for health insurance if they decline to participate in a qualified wellness program. There are proven statics […]