Health Care Reform Fees

We know you don’t want to pay anymore money than absolutely necessary for health insurance, but there are a few fees that are going to implemented in the new health care reform law. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there will be new fees and taxes assessed on all Indianapolis commercial (group)  health insurance plans. These […]

Wellness Programs For Small Companies

A company wellness program is set up in the workplace to offer employees a kind of comprehensive health service, to encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles and to take measures aimed at preventing the worsening or onset of illnesses. In the last five years, wellness programs were supposed to bring the most amount of savings for group health insurance. These small […]

Group Health Insurance Options

With Health Care Reform there is a lot of uncertainty in the market place. You do have options! The 1st option is to go with a fully insured health plan. As you may know there are only a few companies that are competitive. We will deliver you the most competitive plan. Our relationships with the […]

Enrollment Into the Health Insurance Exchange

CMS is starting to issue more and more guidance on the Federal Facilitated Exchange that will operate. The enrollment process could look like this: 1. Consumer Submits application to the exchange: Online Phone Mail In Person 2. The Exchange/Marketplace verifies and determines the eligibility: The step will determine the eligibility for: Enrollment in a qualified […]

Fully Insured Rate Increases Under ACA

We are starting to see projections of the rate increase fully insured group health plan can expect. 30%-50% increases in fully insured premiums under the health care reform laws. These are huge increase that very few small group or large group plan will be able to afford. These increase are due to different aspect of […]

Agents Will Be Part of Health Care Reform & Our Advice is Still FREE

There has been a lot of news about the government trying to replace Health Insurance Agents with non-licensed, non-insured and in-experienced “navigators” whom will be paid by the government and have less than 20 hours of training. The government has now realized they cannot successfully implement this extremely complicated law without agents. The government is now […]

Employer Mandate Calculator

Employer Mandate Calculator Many people have heard of the employer mandate. Under Health Care reform, employers with more than 50 full time employees to offer health insurance to their employees. IF they don’t they will have to pay a penalty that is not tax deductible. They may also have to pay a penalty if any of their employee get subsidies through […]

The Complexity of Health Care Reform

AMEDNEWS Here is a great article about how complex and difficult health care reform is. Under the ACA, all medical practices have to go to Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The thought behind this is that it would help end any unnecessary test and improve the out come of patients care. CMS thinks, that EMR may be leading […]

President Says The Public Does Not Know The Health Care Law

Bloomberg The President of the United States recently spoke about the new health care law. He stated that the public does not know about the benefits of the new law.  Most of Congress does not know about the benefits of the new health care law. Anytime you have a 2,000 page law and then another 15,000 pages […]

Potential Employer Penalties Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Potential Employer Penalties Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Summary of important items and definitions to know: 1. ACA imposes penalties on “large” employers, if at least one full-time employee obtains a premium credit through the newly established exchange. Employers are not subject to a penalty if their full-time employees are eligible […]