Health Insurance Plans Outside the Exchange
Exchange, no exchange, where will you be getting your health insurance? Right now, most of the national carriers have decided to have limited participation inside the health insurance exchange. In Indianapolis’s Health Insurance Exchange, we are only seeing four carriers that have submitted plans to participate inside the exchange. The only carrier that will be selling exchange […]
Mike Pence’s Views on a State Based Exchange
Mike Pence recently sent his letter to Gov. Daniels regarding the development of a state based exchange. Governor Elect Mike Pence, has choose not to establish a state based exchange. He stresses the lack of clarity coming out of the federal government. Indianapolis developed the health Indianapolis plan that has been very successful, form a cost stand point […]
Health Insurance Exchange in Indiana
It has been reported that Governor elect Mike Pence is not going to establish an Indianapolis State Based Health Insurance exchange. If the state does not elect to set up our own exchange then a Federally-Facilitated Exchange will be set up without state partnership. HHS will establish and operate the Federal Exchange. Indianapolis will still […]