Free Choice Vouchers Defunded
The budget agreement that was reached last week has defund Free Choice Vouchers of the new health care law. Most people have no clue what these are. A free choice voucher gave the employee the right to take a employer contribution for a group health care plan and apply that to a the exchange plan. The employee would be […]
Health Insurance Companies Audits
In the small group health insurance industry there has been a huge increase in carriers auditing their clients. The audit consists of the carrier requiring the client to provide up today wage n tax information. The carrier is looking to see if the group is still compliant form a participation standpoint. In the past very […]
Gov. Agencies Postpone Claims Appeal Process.
Agencies Postpone Claims and Appeals Enforcement The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the U.S. Treasury Department, Treasury Department agencies and the Labor Department have postpone the claims appeal process of the health care reform. They are stating they are having problems form a technical standpoint. If you look […]
Insurance Exchange Questionnaire
Insurance Exchange Input Governor Mitch Daniels wants feedback on how the exchange should be set up. You have to give the Governor credit because he is willing to ask the residents of Indianapolis what they want from their exchange.
Defunding Tactics of Health Care Law
Defunding tactics It looks like the House Republicans are working on a serious game plan to defund the health care reform laws. The one that I think would have the biggest impact on the law would be the grants for the state based exchanges. If the defunding occurred, it would make it difficult for the […]
Revision To Health Law
Revision to health law The president has allowed states the flexibility to tackle the health care law on their own as long as it reaches the goals of the federal government. This provision was already in the health care law but the president is moving it up 3 year so states can opt out in […]
PPACA Consequences
PPACA has major consequence to the employer group plans over 50 lives. PPACA spawns a new form of wage discrimination I had to re post this blog posting because it show some unintended consequences of the reform. Under the new law if a group over 50 lives has a group health insurance plan in place it […]
Repealing Health Care Law
House panel sends 1099 tax reporting to the floor This is a big aspect of the health care law when it comes to small business administration. This 1099 law is essentially a way for the gov. to collect more taxes to pay for the health care law. By law all small companies will have to […]
Rep. Andrews Addresses the MLR
House Dem rips new insurance rule Rep. Robert Andrews (D-N.J.) spoke to the NAHU about the effects of the Medical Loss Ratio on Agents. With the Medical Loss Ratio in the new health care law 80%-85% of premium has to go to claims. That leaves just 20% for the insurance company to spend on administration. HHS chose to […]
A Draft of Tax Form 8941
8941–dft Anthem just released a draft of tax form 8941. This is the tax credit for small business health insurance with less than 25 employees. Most companies have had a difficult time qualifying for the tax credit.If you have less than 25 employees, average salary is under $50,000, and have an employer sponsored group health plan you […]