Indiana Dependent Health Insurance
As of September 23rd of 2010 dependent children can not be declined or pre-x from a health insurance policy. This is creating some interesting situations. Right now we have seem some carriers stop selling stand alone children’s policies which is concerning. I can only speculate why they have stopped. One reason is the carriers are getting […]
Indiana Adult Child Coverage
Under the new health care reform children/adults can stay on their parents health plan until 26. Here is the issue that will arise with this. Can the parents afford to cover the adult child on the plan. With most group health plans today employees pay for their dependents. On the other side if the parent is already covering other children on plan […]
Indiana Limited Benefit Plans
With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Americans face a new era in health insurance. While there is still much guidance to come from the government, Major changes to the limited medical industry are coming this Fall. Limited medical plans […]
Indiana Grandfathered Health Plans
This is going to be very interesting to see how the grandfathered plans are treated from a carrier standpoint. It’s very possible that these plans could cost less than the new generation of plans that will be launched under the health care reform. The next few years these grandfathered plans either group or individual could […]
Indiana Gap Insurance Policies
Group Gap Policy for Major Medical plan Group Gap Policies can help to offset health insurance premiums. Instead of complete cost shifting a high deductive the employer can pay for a gap policy that will pay a portion of the insured’s deductible. Typical Plan Overview and Benefits Gap policies have been specifically designed to pay […]
HSA Contribution Limits For 2009
Eligible individuals with self-only coverage under a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) may contribute an annual maximum of $3,050 to their Health Savings Account (HSA) for 2010. Eligible individuals with family coverage (coverage for two or more individuals) under an HDHP may contribute up to $6,150 to their HSA. Individuals age 55 or older who are […]
President Obama’s Health Insurance Ideas Have Resistance
While President Barack Obama continues to shape and mold his healthcare reform policies, said to be the most controversial in decades, it is not met without resistance from both sides of the isle. Obama’s plan would attempt to make health care universal while still allowing the use of private healthcare services. Read the full article at Reuters.