Executive Order to Reveal Health Care Pricing
On 6/24/19, the President of the United States issues an executive order requiring Hospitals and Insurance companies to reveal what they are charging or paying for services. The idea is to make health care cost transparent, which then would lead to consumerism and then medical providers reducing costs to attract more patients. Primarily pressuring the […]
Indiana Recovers Medicaid Tax Under the ACA
Indiana was one of six states to file a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance provider fee (HIPF) for State Medicaid plans. The U.S. District Judge ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, Texas, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin & Nebraska’s that the government must pay back $840 Million in Obamacare fees. What is the […]
Trump Admin. Releases Final Rule on Short-Term Health Insurance
Short Term Health Insurance Final Rule 36 months of coverage Short-term health insurance is a policy that is very similar to pre-affordable care act coverage. The plan does not cover preexisting conditions and requires underwriting. If your accepted, the cost is 50%-60% less than an ACA product. These plans are also using traditional PPO networks, […]
Tony Nefouse’s Complete Guide to Group Insurance
Many companies will turn to the internet to search for insurance benefits. Since 1998, we have been helping these businesses obtain group benefits. In the beginning of the internet, very few people would go to the world wide web for insurance information. Today that has all changed, business owners want information at their fingertips. We […]
As We Approach 2018, How is Health Insurance of Indiana Looking?
Group Health Insurance Indiana We quickly approach Jan 1st, 2018, the state of health insurance in Indiana is nowhere near close to being stable. Individual Health Insurance The Affordable Care Act has failed every Hoosier that pays for or towards a health insurance policy. One segment of the population has benefited from the ACA, and […]
Indiana Group Health Insurance Under ACA
It would be wishful to say that group health insurance under the ACA has stabilized. Comparing it to the Individual market under the ACA, the group is calm. For companies with less than 50 full time employees, or the equivalent under 50, fully insured products are guaranteed issue. This mean there is no underwriting. When employees complete […]
Current State of Individual Health Insurance in Indiana 2016
After attending multiple broker advisory meetings, on the individual and small group markets we now have view of the health insurance markets. Individual health insurance on and off the exchange: This market is completely unstable! The insurance companies have had a difficult time adjusting to the new rules, regulations and managing the risk. The first […]
Tax Credit and Filings
The first tax season is behind us and no one knew what was going to happen with tax credits. The Federal Marketplace compared what was reported on the tax credit application and what the individual filed on their tax returns. It was estimated that 45% of the people that purchased health insurance with tax credits, […]
Indiana Carriers Not Mailing out Certificates of Prior Coverage
When you have a health insurance policy in place and you end that coverage, you would usually receive a certificate of prior coverage. With that certificate, the new insurance company that you signed up with would then ask for that document to confirm you had prior coverage. In 2014 specifically, the insurance industry used the […]
Health Insurance for Three Generations
A common situation here in the United States is an older parent living with a first generation American. This older parent is often not a US citizen, meaning they don’t qualify for Medicare. Here at Nefouse & Associates we have found a solution to this problem under the Affordable Care Act. We’re able to provide […]