The Complexity of Health Care Reform


Here is a great article about how complex and difficult health care reform is.

Under the ACA, all medical practices have to go to Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The thought behind this is that it would help end any unnecessary test and improve the out come of patients care.

CMS thinks, that EMR may be leading to a increase in health care charges. In the past written doctors records could leave some doubt into what is the next step of treatment. This can be known as under coding. Maybe a patient had symptoms but the Doctor was not ready to diagnosis yet. With EMR, this speeds up the process of diagnosis, which could lead to more health care claims. Since the Doctor may be using some type of digital template, once the information is submitted to the system, the system then prompts for additional medical services.

The Electronic Medical Records is a concept of health care reform that is suppose to reduce costs and now may be a reason why costs go up,


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