2014 Individual Health Plans
Welcome to the new world of health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act. Some people have experienced premium joy. This has come from the Federally Facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace in Indianapolis. Hoosiers have been eligible for subsidized premiums in the marketplace. The average subsidy we are seeing is about $2,800 a year. On the […]
Will You Lose Your Doctor Due to Narrow Networks?
If you’ve been searching for a new healthy policy, you’ve probably heard by now about the narrow networks that are available. Since the insurance industry is trying to reduce costs, they have formed narrow networks to lower the cost of care. This applies to plans both on and off of the exchange. In the beginning, […]
Health Insurance Plans For Indiana in 2014
We’re finally starting to get a glimpse into the future of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Post 2014, there will be no underwriting in the small group or individual health insurance markets. Underwriting has always been the key tool for insurance companies to control risk. Underwriting is the use of medical or health information […]