Health Insurance Plans Through the Exchange
The new health insurance plans for the Federal Facilitated Exchange have been submitted to the Indianapolis Department of Insurance. Once the IDOI approves them, they will need approval from the Federal Government. Indianapolis is fortunate that you can pull the plan designs from the IDOI website. So what are the plan designs looking like? The […]
Status of Obamacare for Hoosiers
Usually, I don’t like to use the term “Obamacare” but it seems that most Hoosiers know of the Affordable Care Act by that terminology. Right now, Health Care Reform looks like it is starting to unravel. The announcement of the delay in the employer mandate raised concerns. On one side, it looks like the administration […]
Where Will You Buy Health Insurance in 2014
Next year where will you get health insurance from? Health Insurance will come from the same places that you are buying it from today. It may be delivered in a different platform. Currently you purchase health insurance from the individual market, employer sponsored group health plan, COBRA, HIP, Medicaid or Medicare. In 2014, you purchase health insurance from […]