August 29th, my Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic Cancer stage 4.
The cancer was 4.3 cm on her pancreas and 1.2 cm on her liver.
My Mom has had 5 session of chemo therapy at this time. During this time we also started a regiment of supplements. IP-6 inositol & Selenium. Mom has been taking 3,000 milligrams of IP-6 per day & 600 milligrams of selenium a day. Essentially 2 pills 3 times a day for both supplements.
Her cancer blood count was up to 600. After a month of take the supplements, her cancer blood count has dropped to 130.
I don’t know if the chemo or the supplement or a combination of both has helped. When the doctor saw the lower cancer blood count, her jaw dropped.
Mom had initially dropped 16 pounds because she could not eat. Last weight in at the doctors office, she has gained 2 pounds. She has been able to eat and digest foods.
We went to dinner last Friday night. I never thought I would have dinner with Mom again, after the diagnosis of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer.
My Mom came to the hockey rink last Saturday and watched her grand kids play hockey.
In my Heart I believe the IP-6 and the Selenium is making a huge difference in her treatment.
I know how deadly this disease and we still have a long way to go. This is a true glimmer of hope. We should have another Cat Scan in about 5 weeks. That will be a true bench mark of how the treatment is going.
If you are reading this then you may be faced with this frighting disease. You are not alone!
Speak with your Doctor and ask them if it OK to take these supplements. In our situation we felt we had nothing to lose.