The Milliman Medical Index has been released for 2010. This is a very good study of healthcare costs and the effects that they have. 2010 marks the 6th year that the study has been performed. The top 100 leading insurers read this report to estimate future health insurance claims costs. You would think that our government officials would all take this study into consideration when they are making laws that effect healthcare.
The topics that are discussed in the Study:
Key Findings
The total medical cost for a typical family of four in 2009 was $16,771. In 2010 the study shows an increase of 7.8% to $18,074. Employers and Employee alike shared the increase in cost this year.
Employers cost at an average of $10,744 surpasses $10,000 for the very first time.
Geographic Differences in Healthcare Costs
The study shows that Miami, New York and Chicago continue to have costs at leasts 10% higher than the national average.
Dissecting HealthCare Costs
In this section the $18,074 is broken down into components of spending.
15% Rx+ 33% Physician +17% outpatient+ 31% inpatient +4% other
Employee’s Share of Healthcare Costs
In 2010 the employer is picking up $10,744 of the $18,074 of total healthcare cost to a family of four.
Economic Effects on Healthcare for People with Insurance
This section is addresses the effects of unemployment and health insurance. The study addresses the effects layoffs have on people who continue to be insured under the employer plan.
Cost Implications of Healthcare Reform on a Family of Four
The study states the cost implications are unclear.
Technical Appedix_Milliman Medical Index
This section discuses how the Index is formed.
2010 Milliman Medical Index