Guaranteed Issue for Children Under 19
Under the health care reform children under 19 can not be denied or pre x on health insurance. This law is now in place and the carriers have developed strategies on the law. The first thing the carriers have done is completely with drawn from the stand alone children’s policy. So now in this country you […]
Health Insurance Exchange
Right now the state has taken the federal grant to explore setting up a state base exchange vs a federal exchange. This is very important on the future of health insurance and health care in the state of Indianapolis. If it is a state based exchange then we should see competition within the carriers operating […]
Small Group Employees Gaming Health Insurance
Small group health insurance can be difficult. The last few years has created a lot of shifting on to the employee in both cost and risk. This has mainly been because of the price of health plans and the economy. If small a company revenues are off its difficult for them to absorb a rate increase on […]
Indiana Small Group Health Insurance Max Loads
In the past few years I have seen an alarming trend of max loaded small group health cases in Indiana. Under the laws a group plan has to be taken by a carrier (guaranteed issue) but the premium can be almost doubled. We are seeing about 75% of small group health plans (under 50 lives) […]
Avg Group Health Plan in Indiana
This is a interesting view of plan designs. The specific breakdown of industry and co pays is really interesting. According to the data, transportation and financial services employees are paying more for office visit copays than those employees in the manufacturing, services and wholesale industries. Based on recent 2010 data from Highroads, an industry leader in […]
Milliman Medical Index 2010
The Milliman Medical Index has been released for 2010. This is a very good study of healthcare costs and the effects that they have. 2010 marks the 6th year that the study has been performed. The top 100 leading insurers read this report to estimate future health insurance claims costs. You would think that our […]
Where does the Health Premium Go?
On average, 87 cents of every dollar you pay us is spent covering medical care and services that members receive like doctor visits, hospital costs, prescription drugs and more. So when the costs for these services go up, so must our premiums. Another 10 cents of every premium dollar funds the services we provide like […]
Personal Web Tools for Health-Care Data
It happens whenever you visit a new physician, or one you haven’t seen in a while: You have to fill out an intimidating, mile-long form with dozens of questions about every illness and chronic medical condition that you and close relatives have had, every time you’ve been hospitalized, every prescription drug you’re taking, and so […]
Survey Finds Health Savings Account (HSA) Owners Satisfied
General Findings: More than 80 percent of respondents cite their ability to save for future health care expenses as the primary reason for opening and depositing money into their HSAs. 70 percent of HSA participants make $75,000 a year or less in income. 82 percent of HSA owners are satisfied with their accounts. 78 percent […]
Why Health Insurance Premiums Keep Increasing
Anthem plans across the country are working to develop innovative products and programs that help address rising health care costs. Through pay for performance initiatives, consumer directed health plans and transparency initiatives; Anthem is providing access to the information needed to drive down health care costs. While many people may believe that insurer profits are […]