Short Term Health Policies

There is been a much higher demand for the short term health policies here in Indianapolis than in the past. I think the reason for this is the lower cost of the short term policy. In the past short term policy were manily used by students and singles that were in transition from one health […]

Guaranteed Issue for Children Under 19

Under the health care reform children under 19 can not be denied or pre x on health insurance. This law is now in place and the carriers have developed strategies on the law. The first thing the carriers have done is completely with drawn from the stand alone children’s policy. So now in this country you […]

Medical Loss Ratio Explanation From Anthem

The new Medical Loss Ratio will have a huge impact on health insurance companies. There is major concern in the industry that we could see some carriers pull of certain markets. The market that creates the most concern is the Individual market. This segment of insured represent a small portion of the overall block of […]

Employee Health Insurance

Indianapolis based companies are having less options for group health insurance. In the last year we have seen multiple carriers pull out of the health insurance market. Principal recently announced that they will no longer provide group health insurance in the state of Indiana and the rest of the country. Humana has chosen to no […]

Update On Health Insurance

As we enter the 4th quarter of 2010 we have seen major changes in  health insurance. Most of this is do to the health care reform. In the individual health insurance markets we have seen a decline in carrier competition. There are less plans to choose from and this is a direct result of health […]

Indiana Health Care Reform

September 23rd has shown us the first phase of health care reform. We have mass confusion on how the law would effect current health plans. This health care reform was written without taking in to consideration things like math.  The health care reform sounds warm and fuzzy but now we are witnessing what happens when […]

Obama administration Granting Dozens Of Waivers

The Obama administration has granted dozens of waivers to companies so they do not have to comply to the health care reform. McDonald’s released a statement that their current health plan to the hour employees would  not meet the health care reform requirements. So the administration granted them a one year wavier reported by the […]

The First Negative Effect of Health Care Reform

As we enter the 6 month mark of the passing of the health care reform we are witnessing the first negative impacts.  This week, almost every big insurance company in America—including Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealth Group, WellPoint, Humana, Coventry, some Blue Cross Blue Shield affiliates and others—stopped writing “child-only” policies in the individual market. This is […]

Repealing Health Reform

Should the Republicans take control of the the Congress they are going to try to repeal the health care reform.  One thing that might have a huge impact on public opinion would be to set up hearing on the implementation of the health care reform. If  Congress was able to do a detail analysis of the the […]

Indiana Health Insurance Reform Key Points

Below are a list of key points that have gone into effect. The new coverages will increase the premium for everyone but may benefit % of policy holders. YOUR HEALTH COVERAGE CANNOT BE ARBITRARILY CANCELLED IF YOU BECOME SICK Under the new law, health plans are now prohibited from rescinding coverage except in cases involving […]