This is a interesting view of plan designs. The specific breakdown of industry and co pays is really interesting.
According to the data, transportation and financial services employees are paying more for office visit copays than those employees in the manufacturing, services and wholesale industries. Based on recent 2010 data from Highroads, an industry leader in employer health care compliance and benefits management.
•79% of transportation employees pay $25 or more in office visit copays
•69% of financial services employees pay $25 or more in office-visit copays
•97% of wholesale employees pay $20 or less in office-visit copays
•87% of services employees pay $20 or less in office-visit copays
•67% of manufacturing employees pay $20 or less in office visit copays
Across all fully insured plans, the data shows average monthly 2010 premiums to be as follows:
•Employee only: $380
•Employee plus one: $788
•Employee plus children: $726
•Family: $1,133
Across all fully insured plans, shows the median of 2010 plan provisions to be as follows:
Plan Provision Median
Office Visit Copay $20
Specialist Office Visit $30
Inpatient Hospital Copay $250
ER Copay $75
Infertility Treatment Co-insurance 50%
This dats is a snap shop of what Indianapolis group health plans look like.