Simple Cafeteria Plans Changes

A cafeteria plan is an employer-sponsored plan that allows employees to choose certain pre-tax benefits or cash. For example, an employee may choose to pay his or her share of premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance before taxes through the plan. A cafeteria plan must have a written plan document governing the plan and may not […]

What is Driving Health Insurance Premiums

This is the question that’s at the heart of the matter. And it’s what we need to understand before we can try to control costs. It’s important to look at the real drivers behind high and rising health care costs and health care premiums. More expensive technology, used more often — No doubt, modern medicine […]

Where does the Health Premium Go?

On average, 87 cents of every dollar you pay us is spent covering medical care and services that members receive like doctor visits, hospital costs, prescription drugs and more. So when the costs for these services go up, so must our premiums. Another 10 cents of every premium dollar funds the services we provide like […]

Personal Web Tools for Health-Care Data

It happens whenever you visit a new physician, or one you haven’t seen in a while: You have to fill out an intimidating, mile-long form with dozens of questions about every illness and chronic medical condition that you and close relatives have had, every time you’ve been hospitalized, every prescription drug you’re taking, and so […]

Small Group Tax Credit Extends To Dental And Vision Benefits

The small group tax credit, which will benefit millions of small businesses, has just become more attractive. That’s because the IRS has just released new details clarifying that the tax credit also applies to premiums for dental and vision benefits – not just health benefits. And there’s more good news:  Eligible companies that already get […]

Healthcare Reform’s “Cadillac Plan” Excise Tax

The excise tax was included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) passed into law on March 23, 2010. The provision levies a 40% nondeductible tax on the annual value of health plan costs for employees that exceed $10,200 for single coverage or $27,500 for family coverage in 2018. Data reveals that the […]

Health Savings Account Enrollment Reaches Ten Million

New study show a large increase of Health Savings Account plans. These type of major medical plans are becoming popular because they create a reduction in premium. Consumers are starting to look at health insurance for major medical events and then small claims fall on to them. When the consumer now pays the first $2,500 […]

Industry Groups Comment to HHS on Medical Loss Ratios

The Medical Loss Ratio is very critical to the health insurance industry. This MLR is going to have a huge effect on carriers profits and how they operate. In fact we could see some carriers drop out of certain markets reducing the already limited choices of carriers. The HHS has to clarify the laws on  the […]

Insurance Affects ICU Survival Rate In U.S.

Insurance Affects ICU Survival Rate In U.S.: Study Intensive care patients who did not have health insurance were 21 percent more likely to die than insured patients, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.Their study of intensive care units or ICUs in Pennsylvania adds to arguments that a lack of health insurance can be deadly. Health insurance […]

High Risk Pool Insurance Plan

Under the new health care reform laws each state has the option of setting up a high risk pool insurance plan. The state of Indianapolis has declined to participate in this high risk pool. Currently we have a high risk pool called Indianapolis ComprehensiveHealth that will contiune to operate seperatly from additional high risk pools. […]