With Health Care Reform there is a lot of uncertainty in the market place.
You do have options!
The 1st option is to go with a fully insured health plan. As you may know there are only a few companies that are competitive. We will deliver you the most competitive plan. Our relationships with the carriers create savings for our clients. We also provide a high level of service to both owner and employee.
The 2nd option is to look at the Self Funded or Partially Self Funded Market. There are new options that are hitting the market place. We are now seeing self funded plans for groups as small as 10 lives. We would design a plan where you take on a certain amount of risk by paying a portion of the claims your employee have. We would broker Stop Loss Insurance which would reduce your risk. Stop Loss Insurance is exactly what it sounds like. Stop the Losses! There are also Self Fund options that have a feel of a fully insured plan but can deliver premium back to the group.
The 3rd options you may only here about from Nefouse & Associates. Drop your group benefits and go Individual. With health care reform, the individual market now has guaranteed issue. Meaning no one can be denied. We also will be selling the health Insurance exchange. Your employee may be eligible for subsidies that would pay a large portion of their premium. We can also offer broker out a Health Reimbursement Arrangement that can still provide a benefit to the employees. If you are under 50 full time employees this may be a very attractive solution.
No matter what your philosophy is for group health insurance we can deliver you a solution.