MLR’s Negative Effect
The Medical Loss Ratio of the Health care Reform law is having a negative effect on carriers entering or staying in new markets. What has happen is a carrier will go into a new market and that block of business is profitable. So let’s say they are operating at a 70% loss ratio. Under the […]
Middle Class Hoosiers will be Eligible for Medicaid
Huffington Post National Journal It looks like under the new health law if you have house hold income of $64,000 you will qualify for Medicaid benefits. For Indiana and other states this would allow a lot of people the option of Medicaid. This could devastate health insurance markets over night and add a huge burden on the […]
Group Health Insurance Tax Credit in Indiana
The Internal Revenue Service has released a new summary of tax credits created by recent legislation that impact small businesses, including the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) small business health insurance premium tax credit and the federal COBRA subsidies. The new summary Web page consolidates many of the IRS’ tax credit resources […]