High-Risk Insurance Pools Cost More
Health care reforms high-risk insurance pools will have difficult choices ahead. The CBO Director Doug Elmendorf laid out the stark choices facing a program. The $5 billion dollars will run out in before 2013. To extend the coverage to 600,000 more Americans would cost $5 -$10 billion more than estimated. Health and Human Services Secretary […]
The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program
The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program helps employers provide coverage to retirees The recently passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes an early retiree reinsurance program available to groups that provide medical coverage to early retirees and their spouses, surviving spouses and dependents. This temporary program will provide $5 billion to help employers to continue to […]
New Cost of Healthcare Reform
New Cost Estimate Tops $1 Trillion: U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius issued a letter to congressional leaders this week, touting the administration’s early success in implementing certain provisions of health care reform. Meanwhile, officials from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported on Tuesday that the health care reform legislation will cost about […]
Healthcare Reform for Indiana Non Profits
The U.S. healthcare overhaul bill will provide insurance coverage for millions of Americans and possibly lower healthcare cost inflation, but it poses an increased credit risk for nonprofit providers, Standard & Poor’s said on Thursday. The outlook for 2010 remains one of stable credit quality after a period of deterioration from 2007 to 2009. But […]