Health Law will Have Huge Impact on College Students

Most universities offer some type of health insurance plan to the students. Most of these plans would be consider Limited liability health plans. The usually are guaranteed issue. Well now under the new health care law all of these plans will have to adapt to the new health care laws. College Students Health Insurance This will create […]

The Health Care Law Debate

Right now there is a lot of confusion on how the health insurance exchanges are going to be set up. There are states like South Carolina that have told the Federal Gov. they will not set up an exchange because they do not believe the law is constitutional. Then there are states like California that […]

Letter to HHS From Responsible Governors

Governor’s Letter to HHS Here is the Governor’s letter to  Kathleen Sebelius Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This letter is stating that the states should have the right to setup the health exchange without the federal governments mandates.  This is a huge statement!  These governors realize that the federal mandates will make the plans […]

Health Coverage Tax Credit

The monthly option helps you pay for health insurance as you go. You pay 20% of your premiums to the IRS each month The IRS adds 80% and sends the full payment to your health plan The health coverage tax credit (HCTC) began in 2002 as an effort to make health care affordable for certain families by […]

Anna’s Celebration of Life

This is a charity that we support here at Nefouse & Associates. Please visit their website and listen to Anna’s Story.

Judge Vinson Rules Health Care Law Is Unconstitutional

 Judge Roger Vinson, in Pensacola, FlaVinson wrote  “I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the act with the individual mandate. That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to address the problems and inequities in our health care system. The health care market is […]

HHS Secretary Testified On The Health Care Law Here at Nefouse and Associates we know how everyone enjoys watching C-Span especially when it comes to health insurance.  So I have watched it for you and will give you the update. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified on the impact of the 2010 health care law. The Secretary job is to […]

Health Insurance Policy for Diabetics

Here at Nefouse & Associates we have found a carrier that will insure Individuals that are suffering from Diabetes. There are some very strict underwriting guidelines. The diabetes has to be treated with medication and not insulin. Also the applicant cannot be taking more than 3 medications. This is a true health insurance plan. Let […]

Repealing Health Care Law

I know most people find health care debate to be boring but the reality is this is going to effect you one way or the other. Congress has formed two committees to investigate the entire law and the impacts that it will have on the economy.  I know some people feel this might be a waste […]

The Repeal of Health Care Reform

The house is going to vote on repealing the health care reform.  Most news outlet are stating this is a symbolic gesture.  I think its a lot more than that. The healthcare reform bill is a huge gamble with 1/6th of the economy. The health care reform bill has done nothing to address the cost […]