No Repeal in Sight for ACA
Senator Rand Paul has been one of the biggest critics of the Affordable Care Act. You might remember when he took out a policy on the marketplace for his family, which placed his son in Kentucky on Medicaid. He told the public over and over his woes of trying to sign up, trying to pay […]
Health Care Law Not Living Up to Sales Pitch
In Indianapolis, the health care law will have a huge impact on Hoosiers health insurance along with the rest of the country. Thursday the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the health care reform law. Many residents are questioning the true impact of the health care. A famous quote was “We have to […]
State Insurance Exchange Update
This map gives an idea where each state stands on setting up a health insurance exchange. The majority of states have taken grants to establish a state based exchange. The states have positions themselves to set up the insurance market. Some states have taken grants to research a stat based exchange. They are looking at […]
Appeals Court Hears Argument In Health Reform Challenges
The 4th circuit court of appeal heard oral arguments on the health care reform laws. It has been reported that the Judges were leaning to uphold the law. The challengers, the state of Virginia and Liberty University, have argued the decision to forgo insurance is not an economic activity that traditionally falls under Congress’ power […]
Free Choice Vouchers Defunded
The budget agreement that was reached last week has defund Free Choice Vouchers of the new health care law. Most people have no clue what these are. A free choice voucher gave the employee the right to take a employer contribution for a group health care plan and apply that to a the exchange plan. The employee would be […]
Senate Sends 1099 Repeal Bill To Obama
The 1099 provision of the health care reform, which would have raised $19 billion to help pay for the law is on it’s way to being repealed. This aspect of the law would have required all businesses to file tax reporting for all vendors from which they purchased $600 worth of goods or services. Politico […]
Revision To Health Law
Revision to health law The president has allowed states the flexibility to tackle the health care law on their own as long as it reaches the goals of the federal government. This provision was already in the health care law but the president is moving it up 3 year so states can opt out in […]
PPACA Consequences
PPACA has major consequence to the employer group plans over 50 lives. PPACA spawns a new form of wage discrimination I had to re post this blog posting because it show some unintended consequences of the reform. Under the new law if a group over 50 lives has a group health insurance plan in place it […]
Repealing Health Care Law
House panel sends 1099 tax reporting to the floor This is a big aspect of the health care law when it comes to small business administration. This 1099 law is essentially a way for the gov. to collect more taxes to pay for the health care law. By law all small companies will have to […]
Letter to HHS From Responsible Governors
Governor’s Letter to HHS Here is the Governor’s letter to Kathleen Sebelius Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This letter is stating that the states should have the right to setup the health exchange without the federal governments mandates. This is a huge statement! These governors realize that the federal mandates will make the plans […]