Health Care Reform
We are starting to see the impact of Obamacare, both the positive and negative initial outcomes. It depends on every Hoosier’s individual situation to say if they feel joy or if they feel pain. There is a lot of joy for Hoosiers that suffer from ongoing health conditions. This segment of our community is now able […]
Individual Health Insurance for Small Groups
In 2014, we are going to have new options in the small group health insurance market. Under the new health care laws, we are going to see guaranteed issue in the individual market. This is one of the biggest aspects under the new law because now everyone has access to a health insurance plan. There […]
Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Policy Holders
For the 7,200 policy holders who currently have a health insurance policy through Indianapolis Comprehensive Health, I have some good news. Most of you have never had good news when it comes to health insurance. Under the new health insurance laws, your luck might change! The first and most important point is that you can […]
The IDOI Explains the 72% Health Insurance Increase
By now, you might have heard that the Indianapolis Department Of Insurance projected a 72% increase in individual health insurance market for Indianapolis. The IDOI has also released the Individual Insurance Market Report, which goes on to explain this projected increase. This is a legitimate explanation for the increase, and the only thing that is not included […]
Health Insurance Rates
Recently, there have been publications saying that health insurance rates are going up 72% under Obamacare. For example, here is a story in the Indy Star which explains the that under the mandate, everyone must be covered, including those with pre-existing conditions. If this turns out to be true, it will be quite a shock to the wallets […]
President Says The Public Does Not Know The Health Care Law
Bloomberg The President of the United States recently spoke about the new health care law. He stated that the public does not know about the benefits of the new law. Most of Congress does not know about the benefits of the new health care law. Anytime you have a 2,000 page law and then another 15,000 pages […]