Indiana Group Health Insurance Application Process

When you enroll for Indiana Group Health Insurance coverage forms and supplies will be provided. This includes access to online portals which can speed up the health insurance administration process.

Remember to:

  1. Have all eligible employees complete applications on either paper or digitally.
  2. Incomplete applications will cause a delay in the process and can create billing issues.
  3. Verify the other coverage section has been completed.
  4. Keep copies of application in your records.
  5. Send all completed applications to the insurance company within a timely manner.
  6. Notify the health insurance company if there is a change in employee dependent status.

Applying for Coverage

Under most health insurance contracts

For the employee to apply for coverage they must be actively at work as defined by the certificate of coverage.

They must meet all requirements stated in the eligibility requirements of the health insurance contract.

It is the employers responsibility to send the employees application in to the health insurance company prior to the probationary period being completed.

Indianapolis Managed Care Plans

With most Health Maintenance Plans (HMP), when the employee completes the application they may have to choose who will be their Primary Care Physician (PCP). Usually the network directory or online network access with have code for the PCP.

In some health plans, if the employee does not select a PCP one will be chosen for them. They usually have an equation for the closet PCP to the employees home address. Some situations, the plan may not provide coverage until a PCP is chosen.

Waving coverage

Employees may choose to waiver coverage but they must still complete an application. As the employer you want documentation that group coverage was offered to the employee.

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