A Guide to Indiana Group Health Insurance Renewals for Employers

Navigating the Indiana Group Health Insurance renewal process can feel overwhelming, especially with the rising costs and maintaining quality coverage for your employees. Tips on Navigating Group Health Insurance 1. Start Early: Renewal Timeline The renewal process typically starts 60 to 90 days before plans renew. This window gives you enough time to review your […]
New Group Health Plan Designs

The health insurance industry in Indiana and the rest of the country has been offered the same health plan designs for decades. The last effective plan design was the introduction of the Health Savings Account (H.S.A.) in 2003. The H.S.A. is a tax advantage saving account allowing individuals to save money for medical expenses. The […]
Small-Group Health Insurance & Inflation

We are now starting to experience the impact of inflation on all industries. The cost of doing business is going up for most industries. Inflation can be devasting on small businesses and force owners to make difficult decisions. One benefit is that small businesses can make changes quickly. When it comes to Indiana Insurance Benefits, […]
Small-Group Health Insurance Renewal

With the 1st of November, every small group should have received their group health insurance by now. A small group is under 50 employees for Indiana, but some would consider under 100 to fall into the same category. When it comes to exploring group health options, size does matter. Micro Groups- under five employees face […]
Anthem’s Chambercare Health Alliance

Anthem has developed a new Group Health Insurance plan for Indiana small group employers. This is in direct response to the unintended consequences of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under the ACA, Indiana small group health insurance rates have doubled, and Anthem has been one of the last large to bring a solution to market. The […]
Indiana Group Health Narrow Networks

When it comes to health care and group health insurance, Hoosiers have always preferred PPO networks which allow the member to choose which medical provider they want to receive treatment from. With any group health plan, Indiana employees have demanded that they could choose their medical providers. This is starting to change because the cost […]
Jan. 1st 2019 Small Group Rates Delayed

Small Group Rates Delayed Every year the health insurance companies of Indiana have to submit their rates and plan designs for approval through the Indiana Department of Insurance. In the past, this filing would be submitted for review and approval in the month of May. The filing for 2019 small group fully insured policies was […]
Indiana Recovers Medicaid Tax Under the ACA

Indiana was one of six states to file a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance provider fee (HIPF) for State Medicaid plans. The U.S. District Judge ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, Texas, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin & Nebraska’s that the government must pay back $840 Million in Obamacare fees. What is the […]
What to Expect in 2019 for Small Group Health Insurance

All the health insurance companies that want to participate in Indiana’s small group health insurance has submitted rates & plan designs to the Indiana Department of Insurance for review. These filling are for fully insured groups with less than 50 employees. As always, it’s going to be an interesting year under the rules and regulations […]
Trump Admin. Releases Final Rule on Short-Term Health Insurance

Short Term Health Insurance Final Rule 36 months of coverage Short-term health insurance is a policy that is very similar to pre-affordable care act coverage. The plan does not cover preexisting conditions and requires underwriting. If your accepted, the cost is 50%-60% less than an ACA product. These plans are also using traditional PPO networks, […]