Cigna Individual Health Plan for Indiana

For the upcoming Individual open enrollment, Indiana has a new carrier with a familiar name, Cigna. Cigna’s Individual Health Plan Cigna has a history in the state of Indiana of providing members with a high level of customer service. It really starts with Cigna having a customer service number that you can call on a […]
Indiana Medicaid Redetermination Process

The Families First Coronavirus Act (FFCRA) mandated continuous Medicaid enrollment through the federal COVID-19 public health emergency. The continuous enrollment suspended the redetermination process by prohibiting any cancelation of coverage. Now that the public health emergency has been lifted, all Medicaid recipients must complete a redetermination to determine if they remain eligible. On the national level, […]
2023 Individual Indiana Health Insurance

Every year the individual health insurance companies are required to file next year’s rates and plan to the Indiana Department of Insurance for approval. The insurance department should finalize all 2023 fillings by Aug 18, 2022. The average increase individual marketplace increase is 5.7% When the numbers are drilled down, some plans take a 34% decrease […]
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

The month of May was mental health awareness, and there was an increase in interest in Employee Assistance Programs, not just in Indiana but the entire nation. What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? An employee benefits program is a benefit a company will provide to their employees to help address personal and work-related issues […]
Do Different States Mean Different Costs?

Youth sports play a massive role in many parents’ lives. We are constantly shuffling kids from practice, private coaching, games, training, and tryouts. We all hope our children will not need medical attention, but there is a high probability you will find it throughout a youth sports career. This is the story of my kids […]
Elimination of the Family Glitch?

The current administration intends to fix the “family glitch” under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under the ACA, an employee may be eligible for a premium tax credit if the employer-sponsored group health plan costs more than 9% of the employee’s income. The “family glitch” disqualified employees dependent from receiving tax credits even if the […]
Small-Group Health Insurance & Inflation

We are now starting to experience the impact of inflation on all industries. The cost of doing business is going up for most industries. Inflation can be devasting on small businesses and force owners to make difficult decisions. One benefit is that small businesses can make changes quickly. When it comes to Indiana Insurance Benefits, […]
COVID-19 At Home Test Kits

Beginning January 15th, 2022, most health insurance companies will cover FDA Authorized over-the-counter (OTC) COVID at-home test kits. Members do not need a prescription to receive the kits at no cost. An individual can receive up to eight OTC test kids every month. Should you elect a rapid test kit that includes two tests, that […]
Small-Group Health Insurance Renewal

With the 1st of November, every small group should have received their group health insurance by now. A small group is under 50 employees for Indiana, but some would consider under 100 to fall into the same category. When it comes to exploring group health options, size does matter. Micro Groups- under five employees face […]
Open Enrollment for 2022 Health Insurance Coverage

Who can apply? Residents of Indiana under age 65. When can I apply? November 1, 2021, through January 15, 2021. If you experience a qualifying life event after January 15, you may still be able to apply. When does my coverage start? For those who apply from November 1, 2021, through December 15, 2021, coverage […]