I have read a lot of blogs that are posted online about health insurance. There has been a really disturbing trend in most of these non broker sites. This trend is that the site is giving health insurance advice without having really any knowledge of health insurance.
These blog post are beautifully written and designed to be index by the search engines so that you may find them. The content of the blog is almost worthless in the realities of health insurance. Most of these blog writers have no experience in the health insurance field. They have not been either agents,underwriters,actuaries, services reps, sale reps, or any other position that is in the health insurance equation. These sites go on to talk about health insurance with the only intention of you clicking a link on their page so they can get paid.
What I can gather from these portals is most of them are selling your information. There is even a technique where they are using cookies to track your online behavior.
If you are in the market for health insurance you want to use a online resource that is accountable. The accountability comes from either a broker or Agents web site. The problem that we have is we are not blog experts like these portal sites.
Obviously, I want you to choose me for your Indianapolis health insurance. I am willing to earn you as a customer. This means that not only will I educate you on plan design but will be here for you when a problem arises. Then add that I will be a trusted source for you.
I really believe none of these portals can be trusted.